Many people do not have access to a bank account5 nor a credit card to use when making payments. Cash—while a great form of payment when working to stay within budget—is not always accepted when making payments or paying bills. An option that you might consider is checking with the vendor you’re working with to see if they accept Money Orders. easymoney makes it easy to buy a Money Order. If you’re not familiar with Money Orders, they are an alternative to cash that can be used in many places to pay for services and goods. Money Orders look very similar to checks. They’re both paper forms of payment4 that include the intended recipient’s name. However, Money Orders must be purchased with funds up front whereas a check is cashed and then withdraws funds from a bank account. For people without a bank account, checks are not available, and cash is used for most all transactions.. Some landlords will not accept cash and require a Money Order if their tenant does not have an alternative way to pay their monthly fees. Purchasing a Money Order is a seamless, quick process particularly if you live in Alabama or Tennessee and choose to work with easymoney.

How do Money Orders work?
Money Orders offer an alternative form of payment for people who, perhaps, are unable to utilize a bank account either because they do not qualify for one or do not have access to one. Money Orders can be purchased from retail locations including the United States Postal Service and easymoney stores in Alabama and Tennessee. Likewise, unlike a check, a Money Order offers a way to pay for items or services without cash, a bank account, or a credit card without sharing personal account information4 like the information included on a personal check. Keep in mind that like many other forms of payment, Money Orders are sometimes subject to the manipulation of scam artists.2 While sending a Money Order is typically a seamless experience, it may be wise to only accept a Money Order as payment if you know the sender personally.
How much does a Money Order cost?
Getting a Money Order is not free; however, the fees are dependent upon the business you choose to purchase from. When deciding where to get a Money Order, make sure to consider the amount of the Money Order plus the fee associated with purchase in order to budget for the transaction properly. The fees associated are typically rather low, but depending on the limits on purchasing at the store you choose you could need more than one Money Order. Some places, like USPS, limit3 the amount of one Money Order to $1,000. Most of the time, you'll find that Money Orders do not cost more than five dollars.1 However, to avoid any surprises, just make sure to call prior to arriving in store to get fee information. Make sure to keep your Money Order receipt which can be used for tracking purposes!
How to write a Money Order
To avoid any mishaps, it’s advisable to fill out your Money Order as soon as you purchase it.5 Doing so lessens the risk that the funds will be used by anyone other than the intended recipient. You’ll need basic information about the recipient such as their name, address, and the exact amount (down to the penny) that is expected as payment or gift if sending this in place of cash. Make sure you take your government issued ID with you to purchase the Money Order as well. Although an ID isn’t always required, some stores may ask for an ID to both purchase and cash a Money Order. Filling in a Money Order properly is relatively simple and a representative at the easymoney store will be available to help you if needed.
Do Money Orders expire?
Typically, Money Orders do not expire the same way checks do. However, you will want to cash your Money Order as soon as possible after receipt and should advise the recipient to do the same. It is possible to incur an additional fee3 when cashing a Money Order that is more than 12 months old.
Where can I cash a money order?
easymoney cashes all types of checks and this includes money orders. Find the location nearest you in Alabama or Tennessee and stop by at your convenience. If sending the Money Order to someone outside of our service area, we have a solution! The same great service that you experience at easymoney is also the standard at locations nationwide within the Community Choice Financial Family of Brands! Rules and fees apply.
Money Orders are a great option when needed, and the easymoney team is standing by ready to help you if you’re in Alabama or Tennessee. Our goal is always to provide exceptional service and convenient access to financial and money services.
1Strohm, Mitch (2023, Nov 13). How do money orders work? Retrieved from: https://www.bankrate.com/banking/how-do-money-orders-work/
2Akin, Jim (2019, May 5). How to Avoid Money Order Scams Retrieved from: https://www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/how-to-watch-out-for-money-order-scams/
3Karl, Sabrina (2023, Mar 28). Money Orders: When, Where, and How Retrieved from: https://www.investopedia.com/money-orders-can-be-a-simple-safe-and-cheap-way-to-transfer-money-here-s-how-to-avoid-the-pitfalls-4589635
4Birken, Emily Guy (2023, May 5). What Is A Money Order And How Does It Work? Retrieved from: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/banking/what-is-a-money-order/
5Gariepy, Laura (2023, Sept 21). Yes, people still use money orders sometimes. Here’s how to fill one out Retrieved from: https://fortune.com/recommends/banking/how-to-fill-out-a-money-order/
Jessica is hyper-focused on making information about the Personal Loans offered by easymoney including Payday Loans, Installment Loans, Line of Credit, and Title Loans accessible and easy to understand. Learning the basics about finances shouldn’t be complicated after all! The key to responsible borrowing is understanding the loans you’re considering, and it’s Jessica’s mission to help anyone considering a loan make an informed decision. Jessica is passionate about sharing easy-to-follow Budgeting Tips and helping readers increase their financial literacy in the Financial Corner of the blog. You’ll find great budgeting tips, Simplified Savings tips, and information that will help you improve your financial wellness sprinkled throughout each of her blogs.